FACE CLINIC has developed a method for the treatment of chronic nasal congestion using botulinum toxin.
The method is the result of four years of collaboration between otorhinolaryngology researchers and Face Clinic’s specialists.
The method is effective for chronic nasal congestion of any duration. It is based on reducing muscle hypertonicity (which interferes with physiological pressure inside the nose, thus disrupting good nasal air passage), improved drainage, decreased secretion from the mucosa, acupunctural effect, and better tissue regeneration (including polypores).
Breathing is improved by 50-100%. The result ensues within one day. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated.
The effect lasts 2-4 years (based on current observations).
This method may be recommended to patients with chronic nasal congestion, hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa, chronic rhinitis, allergic and vasomotor rhinitis, following rhinoplasty or other kinds of reconstructive nasal surgery, nose injuries, and in order to eliminate or reduce reliance on vasoconstrictive drops.
Contraindications include acute inflammatory nasal diseases and individual intolerance to botulinum toxin.
Face Clinic is a Moscow cosmetology clinic operating since 2016, specializing in complex face renewal, beauty preservation, and prevention of age-related changes using intelligent cosmetology.
The chief doctor of the Face Clinic Elena Borisovna Shchelokova is a cosmetic surgeon and a member of the International Society of Aesthetic Medicine. Experience in medical work – more than 20 years. Author of many exclusive author methods and scientific and practical research. Specializes in a comprehensive interdisciplinary cosmetological solution of facial problems, taking into account the knowledge of ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, dentistry, neurology, and psychotherapy.
Intelligent cosmetology is an applied branch of facial science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of problems of the face as a body system. The basic principles of intellectual cosmetology were formulated at the Face Clinic, in Moscow.
Media Contact
Company Name: Face Clinic
Contact Person: Schelokova Elena
Email: Send Email
Phone: +79266568808
Address:Prechistenka 13
City: Moscow
Country: Russian Federation
Website: faceclinicmoscow.com